Flemming Family History
History Of The Fleming Name
The “Fleming” name had it’s origin from a region of either Belgium or Northern France then referred to as “Flanders”. Those who lived in this area spoke “Flemish”. The name “Fleming” refers to one who is a native of Flanders. The Flemish and Dutch language probably derived from one another. Variation of the Fleming name are numerous: Flemming le Fleming, Flemings, Flemon, Fliming, Fleman, Flemans, Fleminge and Flemyng. Somewhere through the years “Fleming” has evolved from these variations.
The “Fleming” name had it’s origin from a region of either Belgium or Northern France then referred to as “Flanders”. Those who lived in this area spoke “Flemish”. The name “Fleming” refers to one who is a native of Flanders. The Flemish and Dutch language probably derived from one another. Variation of the Fleming name are numerous: Flemming le Fleming, Flemings, Flemon, Fliming, Fleman, Flemans, Fleminge and Flemyng. Somewhere through the years “Fleming” has evolved from these variations.

It is an interesting fact to the genealogist that the motto borne by the Fleming, or Flemming, family is the only motto recorded in British healdry which is still written in Gaelic This motto, “Bhear na Righ gan”—“May the King live forever”—must date from a very ancient period, as the Flemings have been in England and Scotland for almost a thousand years.
The English chronicler gives as the first of the family Stephen of Flanders, who first assumed the name of Flanders or Fleming to show the nationality of his forefathers. The Irish descendents of Stephen say theat Stephan's Father, Archembald, a nobleman of Flanders, came from the continent with William the Conqueror and acquired the lordshoip of Bratton in Devonshire.
Stephen Flanders, or Fleming, had a son, Archembald, said to be the ancestor of the Irish family of Flemings who become lords of the estate of Slane, County of Meath, Ireland. There were twenty-three recorded generations of Barons Slane, but the title became dormant in 1726.
William, a younger son of Stephen of flanders, who died in 1197, had a son, Sir Malcom, sheriff of Dumbarton, who died in 1246, and his son Robert was the well-known supporter of Robert Bruce. Robert had two dons, at least-Malcom, who was made Earl of Wigton, and who died in 1362, and Patrick. The son of Malcom, Earl of Wigton, inherited his father's titles and estates, but later sold them.
Patrick married a daughter of Sir Simon Fraser and had a son Sir Malcolm, who had two sons, Sir David and Patrick. The former had a son Malcolm, who married Elizabeth, Daughter of the Duke of Albany, and had Lord Robert Fleming, who married Margaret Lindsay. Their son was Malcolm, who married Euphemia Christon and had Lord John, who married Janet Steward. Lord John died in 1524, leaving a son, Malcolm, who was created Earl of Wigton under a second creation.
The First Earl of Wigton under this new creation had two sons—James, who succeeded to his father's honors and was Lord High Chancellor to Queen Mary, and Lord John, who, after his brother's death, succeeded to the earldom. The latter married Lillian Graham, a daughter of the Earl of Montrose. Their two sons were John and Sir Thomas Fleming. Sir Thomas married Miss Tarleton and emigrated to Virginia and there became the originator of the southern branch of the Fleming family.
Sir Thomas, it is said, had three sons—Tarleton, John and Charles. John died in New Kent, VA., in 1686, leaving a son Charles, who married Susannah Tarleton. The children of this marriage were as follows: Elizabeth; Judith, who married Thomas Randolph; Colonel John, who married Mary Bolling; Tarleton of Rock Castle, who married Hannah Bates; Robert, who was burgess for Caroline county, and Susannah, who married first John Bates and then John Woodson.
Colonel John, the third child and “son and heir” of Charles and Susannah Tarleton Fleming, had five sons and two daughters. Of these the eldest John, was captain of the first Virginia Regiment in the Revolution and was killed at the battle of Princeton in 1776. Charles, the second son, was Lieutenant Colonel of Continental troops in the Third Virginia Regiment; Thomas was Colonel of the Ninth Virginia Continentals; William was judge of the Virgina supreme court, and the yougest son was Richard. John, the eldest, married Susannah—, and had a son John.
Colonel Thomas, the third of these five sons, was the most distinguished. He was born in 1727 and commanded two hundred men in the battle of Point Pleasnt, with the Indians, in 1774. The white forces were in command of General Lewis and the Indians were commanded by Corn Stalk. Fleming's men hid behind trees and held out their hats. The Indians, mistaking the hats for the white men's heads, shot at them. At this, Fleming's men would drop the hats and the Indians would rush forward to scalp their victims. When the Indians got near them, the whites would jump from behind the trees and tomahawk the unwary Indians. These men were all backwoodsmen and knew as well as the Indians, the methods of Indian fighting. There were a thousand Indians and only four hundred whites, but the battle was a signal victory for the whites. Unfortunately, Fleming was severely wounded in this engagement, but he was none the less willing to enter the Revelutionary army a few years later. Thomas Fleming married the daughter of Major John Bolling, the son of Colonel Robert Bolling and the daughter of Thomas Rolf, the son of Pocahontas.
The New Jersey Flemings settled near the old Bethlehem meeting house in Hunterdon County, N.J. There were four brothers, the sons of Malcolm Fleming. These sons were William, Thomas, Andrew and Samuel, but at what date they came to this country is not known. Samuel, the youger, was founder of Flemington, N.J. It is an interesting fact the the genealogy of this branch of the family dates from a few years ago, when Elisha M. Fleming of Belvidere, N.J., found in an old box in one of his barns, papers which proved to be the ancient family records. Malcolm, the father of the four brothers who came to this country, proved to have been a weaver who lived near Cooktown, Ulster province, in the parish of Derryloren, County Tyrone, Ireland. He died some time before 1736.
A third branch of the Fleming family was founded by Solomon Fleming, who came from England to America. His son Sampson lived in New York State, and Sampson's son was Brigadier General Fleming of the state militia. He was born in 1773 and died in 1843. By his wife, Maria Ludlow, he had a son Augustus, born in 1809, and a son William H., of Greenport. The former married Caroline Bennet Lisle. This branch of the family is small and is located chiefly in New York State.
The fourth branch of the Flemming family (Nantucket) came to the US via Newfoundland. Two brothers were said to be in a tavern in Ireland and were jumped and forced to work (press gang) on a British cargo ship. When they got close to land (Newfoundland) they were told to go and fetch fresh water (the other story is that they jumped ship and swam for shore). One of the brothers (George Flemming) said he was going up to the cliffs to take a look around . He escaped and settled in Peter's river Newfoundland. Later moving to St. Vincent's , marrying Johanna Halleran and raising a family of 7. This site focuses on the descendant of George Fleming .
Although it is probable that all who bear the name Fleming today are descendants of the Stephen Fleming who first assumed the name of Flanders, yet there were several men of the name mentioned in the Dornesday book (Survey ordered by William the Conqueror of England in 1086), and then there have been others who assumed the name of their native country, Flanders.
The English chronicler gives as the first of the family Stephen of Flanders, who first assumed the name of Flanders or Fleming to show the nationality of his forefathers. The Irish descendents of Stephen say theat Stephan's Father, Archembald, a nobleman of Flanders, came from the continent with William the Conqueror and acquired the lordshoip of Bratton in Devonshire.
Stephen Flanders, or Fleming, had a son, Archembald, said to be the ancestor of the Irish family of Flemings who become lords of the estate of Slane, County of Meath, Ireland. There were twenty-three recorded generations of Barons Slane, but the title became dormant in 1726.
William, a younger son of Stephen of flanders, who died in 1197, had a son, Sir Malcom, sheriff of Dumbarton, who died in 1246, and his son Robert was the well-known supporter of Robert Bruce. Robert had two dons, at least-Malcom, who was made Earl of Wigton, and who died in 1362, and Patrick. The son of Malcom, Earl of Wigton, inherited his father's titles and estates, but later sold them.
Patrick married a daughter of Sir Simon Fraser and had a son Sir Malcolm, who had two sons, Sir David and Patrick. The former had a son Malcolm, who married Elizabeth, Daughter of the Duke of Albany, and had Lord Robert Fleming, who married Margaret Lindsay. Their son was Malcolm, who married Euphemia Christon and had Lord John, who married Janet Steward. Lord John died in 1524, leaving a son, Malcolm, who was created Earl of Wigton under a second creation.
The First Earl of Wigton under this new creation had two sons—James, who succeeded to his father's honors and was Lord High Chancellor to Queen Mary, and Lord John, who, after his brother's death, succeeded to the earldom. The latter married Lillian Graham, a daughter of the Earl of Montrose. Their two sons were John and Sir Thomas Fleming. Sir Thomas married Miss Tarleton and emigrated to Virginia and there became the originator of the southern branch of the Fleming family.
Sir Thomas, it is said, had three sons—Tarleton, John and Charles. John died in New Kent, VA., in 1686, leaving a son Charles, who married Susannah Tarleton. The children of this marriage were as follows: Elizabeth; Judith, who married Thomas Randolph; Colonel John, who married Mary Bolling; Tarleton of Rock Castle, who married Hannah Bates; Robert, who was burgess for Caroline county, and Susannah, who married first John Bates and then John Woodson.
Colonel John, the third child and “son and heir” of Charles and Susannah Tarleton Fleming, had five sons and two daughters. Of these the eldest John, was captain of the first Virginia Regiment in the Revolution and was killed at the battle of Princeton in 1776. Charles, the second son, was Lieutenant Colonel of Continental troops in the Third Virginia Regiment; Thomas was Colonel of the Ninth Virginia Continentals; William was judge of the Virgina supreme court, and the yougest son was Richard. John, the eldest, married Susannah—, and had a son John.
Colonel Thomas, the third of these five sons, was the most distinguished. He was born in 1727 and commanded two hundred men in the battle of Point Pleasnt, with the Indians, in 1774. The white forces were in command of General Lewis and the Indians were commanded by Corn Stalk. Fleming's men hid behind trees and held out their hats. The Indians, mistaking the hats for the white men's heads, shot at them. At this, Fleming's men would drop the hats and the Indians would rush forward to scalp their victims. When the Indians got near them, the whites would jump from behind the trees and tomahawk the unwary Indians. These men were all backwoodsmen and knew as well as the Indians, the methods of Indian fighting. There were a thousand Indians and only four hundred whites, but the battle was a signal victory for the whites. Unfortunately, Fleming was severely wounded in this engagement, but he was none the less willing to enter the Revelutionary army a few years later. Thomas Fleming married the daughter of Major John Bolling, the son of Colonel Robert Bolling and the daughter of Thomas Rolf, the son of Pocahontas.
The New Jersey Flemings settled near the old Bethlehem meeting house in Hunterdon County, N.J. There were four brothers, the sons of Malcolm Fleming. These sons were William, Thomas, Andrew and Samuel, but at what date they came to this country is not known. Samuel, the youger, was founder of Flemington, N.J. It is an interesting fact the the genealogy of this branch of the family dates from a few years ago, when Elisha M. Fleming of Belvidere, N.J., found in an old box in one of his barns, papers which proved to be the ancient family records. Malcolm, the father of the four brothers who came to this country, proved to have been a weaver who lived near Cooktown, Ulster province, in the parish of Derryloren, County Tyrone, Ireland. He died some time before 1736.
A third branch of the Fleming family was founded by Solomon Fleming, who came from England to America. His son Sampson lived in New York State, and Sampson's son was Brigadier General Fleming of the state militia. He was born in 1773 and died in 1843. By his wife, Maria Ludlow, he had a son Augustus, born in 1809, and a son William H., of Greenport. The former married Caroline Bennet Lisle. This branch of the family is small and is located chiefly in New York State.
The fourth branch of the Flemming family (Nantucket) came to the US via Newfoundland. Two brothers were said to be in a tavern in Ireland and were jumped and forced to work (press gang) on a British cargo ship. When they got close to land (Newfoundland) they were told to go and fetch fresh water (the other story is that they jumped ship and swam for shore). One of the brothers (George Flemming) said he was going up to the cliffs to take a look around . He escaped and settled in Peter's river Newfoundland. Later moving to St. Vincent's , marrying Johanna Halleran and raising a family of 7. This site focuses on the descendant of George Fleming .
Although it is probable that all who bear the name Fleming today are descendants of the Stephen Fleming who first assumed the name of Flanders, yet there were several men of the name mentioned in the Dornesday book (Survey ordered by William the Conqueror of England in 1086), and then there have been others who assumed the name of their native country, Flanders.
The Ancient History of the Distinguished Surname Flemming
Amongst the family names emerging through the mists of time from Holland and Belgium was the ancient posterity of Flemming and the distinguished history of this surname is closely entwined withing the colourful tapestry of the ancient chronicles of Britain. They spoke in and old French dialect and were known as "Walloons"
The Flemish Presence in Britain commenced about the year 1150 A.D., and contributed more to British industrial development than any other race. The Flemmings were artisan industrialists of the low countries.
The Flemmings were recruited firstly in Scotland to develop Scottish industry. They became ardent Scottish Patriots, so much so that the storm of Berwick by the English in 1296, the Flemmings barricaded themselves in the Red Hall with such stubborn resistance they were buried to a man.
They later migrated south to Wales and the west of England where they spawned the weaving and the woollen industry. In Norfolk, Suffolk, and Hertfordshire they were particularly involved in paper making and erected several fine paper mills.
Professional researchers have carefully scrutinized such ancient manuscripts as the Ragman Rolls (1291-1296) a record of homage rendered to King Edward 1st of England, the Curia Regis Rolls, The Pipe Rolls, the Hearth Rolls, parish registers, baptismals, tax records and other ancient documents and found the first record of the name Flemming, in Lanarkshire where they were seated from early times and their first records appeared on the census rolls taken by the ancient Kings of Britain to determine the rate of taxation of their subjects.
During the early and middle development of the name many different spellings were found in the archives researched. Although your name, Flemming, occurred in many manuscripts, from time to time the surname was spelt Fleming, Flemming and these variations in spelling frequently occurred, even between father and son. It was not uncommon for a person to be born with on spelling, married with another and yet another to appear on his or her headstone. Scribes and church officials spelt the name as it was told to them.
The family name Flemming emerged as a notable English family in Lanarkshire where they were recorded as a family of great antiquity seated with manor and estates in that shire. The name is said to have arrived in Scotland about 1126 with Baldwin de Flemming, Fifth Earl of Flanders, who settled in Barrochan in the upper ward of Lanarkshire. The Clan subsequently built Boghall Castle near Biggar in Renfrewshire. Theobald his son was granted additional lands by the Abbey of Kelso. The Chief of the name became Earl of Wigtown and the Clan assisted Robert the Bruce in securing a victory for Scotland in 1320. The Flemings assisted Mary Queen of Scots with an army of 6,000 men but they were defeated by the Regent's forces. Notable in the family at this time was Earl of Wigtown.
In England the Flemmings started the trades of papermaking, book publishing, glass blowing, clothiers, glove making, and many more. Many Flemmings rose to high office and became members of the newly found political fervour of Cromwellianism, and the remnants of the Roman Church rejected all non believers and fought for supremacy. During these turbulent times and conflicts between Church groups, the Crown and political groups all claimed their allegiances and their assessments, tithes, and demands on rich and poor alike broke the spirit of the people and many either turned away from religion, or, alternatively, desperately renewed their faith, pursuing with a vigour and ferocity the letter of the ecclesiastical law.
The Flemmings were responsible in Ireland for the development of the fine linen trade, for the development of Irish Pottery, and gave their name to such streets in Doublin as Combe, Pimlico, and Spitalfield. The leader of the Flemish contingent in Ireland was General, the Marquis de Ruvigny of Port Arlington. In Ireland they settled in the counties of Down and Meath. Baron Fleming and Viscount Fleming were leaders of the clann in Ireland.
In the midst of this religious turmoil of the middle ages the New World beckoned the adventurous. They migrated, some voluntarily from Ireland, but mostly directly from England, their home territories. Some also moved to the European continent. They settled in Australia, New Zealand, the Carolinas, Virginia, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the West Indies.
Members of the family name Flemming sailed aboard the armada of small sailing ships known as the "White Sails" which plied the stormy Atlantic. These overcrowded ships were pestilence ridden, sometimes 30 % to 40% of the passenger list never reaching their destination, their numbers decimated by illness and the elements.
In North America, included amongst the first migrants which could be considered a kinsman of the surname Flemming, or a variable spelling of that family nave is Christopher Fleming who settled in Virginia in 1653; Elizabeth Fleming settled in Virginia in 1650;James, Joh, Joseph, Martin, Richard, Samuel, Thomas, William Fleming all arrived in Philadelphia PA between 1840 and 1860.
From the port of entry many settlers made their way west, joining the wagon trains to the prairies or to the west coast. During the American War of Independence, many loyalists made their way north to Canada about 1790, and became known as the United Empire Loyalists.
Contemporary notables of this surname, Flemming, include many distinguished contributors Major James Fleming, an officer of the 28th Massachusetts Regiment during the War of 1861-65.
The most ancient grant of a Coat of Arms found was; A silver chevron with a double order. The Crest is; A goat's head. The ancient family motto for this distinguished name is: "Let the Deed Show"
Amongst the family names emerging through the mists of time from Holland and Belgium was the ancient posterity of Flemming and the distinguished history of this surname is closely entwined withing the colourful tapestry of the ancient chronicles of Britain. They spoke in and old French dialect and were known as "Walloons"
The Flemish Presence in Britain commenced about the year 1150 A.D., and contributed more to British industrial development than any other race. The Flemmings were artisan industrialists of the low countries.
The Flemmings were recruited firstly in Scotland to develop Scottish industry. They became ardent Scottish Patriots, so much so that the storm of Berwick by the English in 1296, the Flemmings barricaded themselves in the Red Hall with such stubborn resistance they were buried to a man.
They later migrated south to Wales and the west of England where they spawned the weaving and the woollen industry. In Norfolk, Suffolk, and Hertfordshire they were particularly involved in paper making and erected several fine paper mills.
Professional researchers have carefully scrutinized such ancient manuscripts as the Ragman Rolls (1291-1296) a record of homage rendered to King Edward 1st of England, the Curia Regis Rolls, The Pipe Rolls, the Hearth Rolls, parish registers, baptismals, tax records and other ancient documents and found the first record of the name Flemming, in Lanarkshire where they were seated from early times and their first records appeared on the census rolls taken by the ancient Kings of Britain to determine the rate of taxation of their subjects.
During the early and middle development of the name many different spellings were found in the archives researched. Although your name, Flemming, occurred in many manuscripts, from time to time the surname was spelt Fleming, Flemming and these variations in spelling frequently occurred, even between father and son. It was not uncommon for a person to be born with on spelling, married with another and yet another to appear on his or her headstone. Scribes and church officials spelt the name as it was told to them.
The family name Flemming emerged as a notable English family in Lanarkshire where they were recorded as a family of great antiquity seated with manor and estates in that shire. The name is said to have arrived in Scotland about 1126 with Baldwin de Flemming, Fifth Earl of Flanders, who settled in Barrochan in the upper ward of Lanarkshire. The Clan subsequently built Boghall Castle near Biggar in Renfrewshire. Theobald his son was granted additional lands by the Abbey of Kelso. The Chief of the name became Earl of Wigtown and the Clan assisted Robert the Bruce in securing a victory for Scotland in 1320. The Flemings assisted Mary Queen of Scots with an army of 6,000 men but they were defeated by the Regent's forces. Notable in the family at this time was Earl of Wigtown.
In England the Flemmings started the trades of papermaking, book publishing, glass blowing, clothiers, glove making, and many more. Many Flemmings rose to high office and became members of the newly found political fervour of Cromwellianism, and the remnants of the Roman Church rejected all non believers and fought for supremacy. During these turbulent times and conflicts between Church groups, the Crown and political groups all claimed their allegiances and their assessments, tithes, and demands on rich and poor alike broke the spirit of the people and many either turned away from religion, or, alternatively, desperately renewed their faith, pursuing with a vigour and ferocity the letter of the ecclesiastical law.
The Flemmings were responsible in Ireland for the development of the fine linen trade, for the development of Irish Pottery, and gave their name to such streets in Doublin as Combe, Pimlico, and Spitalfield. The leader of the Flemish contingent in Ireland was General, the Marquis de Ruvigny of Port Arlington. In Ireland they settled in the counties of Down and Meath. Baron Fleming and Viscount Fleming were leaders of the clann in Ireland.
In the midst of this religious turmoil of the middle ages the New World beckoned the adventurous. They migrated, some voluntarily from Ireland, but mostly directly from England, their home territories. Some also moved to the European continent. They settled in Australia, New Zealand, the Carolinas, Virginia, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the West Indies.
Members of the family name Flemming sailed aboard the armada of small sailing ships known as the "White Sails" which plied the stormy Atlantic. These overcrowded ships were pestilence ridden, sometimes 30 % to 40% of the passenger list never reaching their destination, their numbers decimated by illness and the elements.
In North America, included amongst the first migrants which could be considered a kinsman of the surname Flemming, or a variable spelling of that family nave is Christopher Fleming who settled in Virginia in 1653; Elizabeth Fleming settled in Virginia in 1650;James, Joh, Joseph, Martin, Richard, Samuel, Thomas, William Fleming all arrived in Philadelphia PA between 1840 and 1860.
From the port of entry many settlers made their way west, joining the wagon trains to the prairies or to the west coast. During the American War of Independence, many loyalists made their way north to Canada about 1790, and became known as the United Empire Loyalists.
Contemporary notables of this surname, Flemming, include many distinguished contributors Major James Fleming, an officer of the 28th Massachusetts Regiment during the War of 1861-65.
The most ancient grant of a Coat of Arms found was; A silver chevron with a double order. The Crest is; A goat's head. The ancient family motto for this distinguished name is: "Let the Deed Show"